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Réunion d'équipe

Ongoing work

Since 2021, the Coalition worked on many projects. Here are the ones that keep us busy right now.

Canada's Sustainable Agriculture Strategy

In 2022, Canada launched consultations that will lead to the adoption of the first Sustainable Agriculture Strategy (SAD). Our Coalition submitted a brief to the federal government, asking that the new strategy align the agricultural sector with sustainable diets. We are awaiting the consultation report, and will continue our interventions with the federal government to ensure that the strategy gives greater prominence to plant proteins.


City of Montreal

In 2022, the Coalition made representations to the City of Montreal that led to the City signing the C40 Good Food Cities Declaration, a commitment to promote a plant-strong diets and combat food waste. One year on, we are continuing our representations to the City of Montreal to ensure that concrete steps are taken to meet this commitment.


Contact us

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C.P. 32086 Saint-Andre
Montreal, (Québec),
H2L 4Y5, Canada

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© 2023 Coalition for a Sustainable Food Transition

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